This website and the associated domain names are owned by Casa De Oaks Homeowners’ Association. The website is operated by the Website Committee under the supervision of the Board of Directors. The Webmaster and committee chair is Eric Browning.
The site was launched in September 2018, and is powered by WordPress. On 9/1/2023, the website design was refreshed changing from the “Twenty Seventeen” theme to “Simple Life” By Nilambar Sharma, and modified with custom CSS by the Website Committee.
As part of the redesign a new color scheme was established, which is reflected in an updated oak-tree logo with leaves that match. This logo, which Casa De Oaks has a legal right to, is also used on official association letterhead and correspondence.
If you are a member of Casa De Oaks and interested in contributing to the content and upkeep of this website, please contact our management.
Website Color Scheme:
CDO Oak Tree and Single Leaf Logos: