The association has planted four citrus trees east of building 152 where the pine trees were. These are Lemon, Lime, Orange and Tangerine. The trees and their fruit are for the enjoyment of all residents. Be sure to only pick ripe fruit, and only take what you can use. The trees are still quite young and small, so any fruit will be limited. Also use care when picking the fruit, so as not to damage the branches.
Each tree is a semi-dwarf, and will are expected to grow to 8-15 feet in size. Our landscapers will keep them to a reasonable (and reachable) size.
The specific Varieties are:
- Eureka Lemon
- Bearss Lime
- Washington Navel Orange
- Tango Mandarin
The lemon, lime and orange, are the same as those that you’d commonly find at the grocery store. The Tango Mandarin differs from typical tangerines as being seedless.